Entwined With You PDF is a novel written by Sylvia Day and published by Penguin Group on June 4, 2013. The book is the third installment in the Crossfire series. The novel follows the story of Gideon Cross and Eva Tramell as they navigate their complicated relationship.
The novel was well-received by critics, with many praising Day’s writing styles and the development of the characters. The book was a commercial success, selling over one million copies in the first month after its release. Entwined With You is available in both hardcover and ebook formats.
The Crossfire series has been praised for its steamy romance and intriguing plot line. If you’re a fan of novels like Fifty Shades of Grey, then you’ll likely enjoy Entwined With You.
Table of Contents
Entwined With You Summary
The book starts with Eva attending a business meeting in which she is trying to get more investors for her company. Gideon Cross, the man she’s been seeing for six months and who she is now living with, interrupts the meeting to give her an update on a case he’s working on. It’s clear that Gideon is very possessive of Eva, and he doesn’t want her working late nights anymore.
The couple then heads to a gala, where Gideon is being honored for his work in philanthropy. Eva is proud of him and they share a dance and a kiss. However, their evening is cut short when Gideon’s ex-girlfriend, Corinne, shows up and creates a scene.
Eva is not happy that Gideon didn’t tell her about Corinne, and the two argue. Gideon insists that he’s over Corinne and that Eva is the only woman he wants. They make up and spend the night together. Overall, Entwined With You is a steamy romance novel with an intriguing plot line. If you’re a fan of novels like Fifty Shades of Grey, then you’ll likely enjoy this book.
Details of Entwined With You Book
Book | Entwined With You |
Author | Sylvia Day |
Original language | English |
Originally published | June 4, 2013 |
Category | Fiction, Romance |
Publisher | Penguin Publishing Group |
Total Pages | 368 |
Format | PDF, ePub |
Multiple Languages Editions of Entwined With You Book
Entwined With You book has been translated to multiple languages including French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and German. The book has been a New York Times Bestseller and USA Today Bestseller.
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About the Author
Sylvia Day (born March 11, 1973) is a Japanese American writer. She is the author of over 20 books, including the international bestselling Crossfire series. Day’s novels have been translated into over 40 languages and have sold millions of copies worldwide.
Sylvia Day was born in Los Angeles, California to a Japanese mother and an American father of British and Irish descent. She attended college in Los Angeles, where she majored in marketing. After a few years of working in the corporate world, Day decided to pursue her dream of becoming a writer.
Day’s first novel, Bared to You, was published in 2012 and became an instant bestseller. The Crossfire series has since sold over 20 million copies worldwide and has been translated into over 40 languages.
Day is a member of the Romance Writers of America and the Japanese American Citizens League. She currently resides in Southern California with her husband and two children. In addition to writing, Day enjoys reading, spending time with her family, and traveling.
Entwined With You PDF Free Download
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FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)
What is the main message of Entwined With You?
The main message of Entwined With You is that love never fails. No matter what obstacles life throws in our way, love will always find a way to overcome them.
Is Entwined With You a real story?
No, Entwined With You is a work of fiction. However, the author, Sylvia Day, based the story off of her own life experiences.
What are some of the main themes in Entwined With You?
Some of the main themes in Entwined With You include love, relationships, and family.
Is Entwined With You book appropriate for 12-year-olds?
No, Entwined With You is not appropriate for 12-year-olds. The book contains graphic sexual content and strong language.
What is the conflict of Entwined With You?
The conflict of Entwined With You is that the protagonist, Eva, is in a relationship with Gideon, a man who is still married to his ex-wife.