Reading to Live a Thousand Lives
Anna Karenina

Anna Karenina PDF Free Download

Anna Karenina PDF is a novel by the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, first published in serial installments from 1873 to 1877 in the periodical The Russian Messenger. Tolstoy clashed with editor Mikhail Katkov over political issues that arose in the final installment (Tolstoy’s negative view of Russia’s slavophile movement).

Anna Karenina tells the story of a married aristocrat/socialite, Anna Karenina, and her affair with the affluent Count Vronsky. The novel explores a diverse range of topics throughout its approximately one thousand pages. Major themes include an evaluation of the basics of Christian morality (the book promotes Tolstoy’s own philosophy), marital fidelity, honesty, and marriage/divorce.

The book was published in multiple languages and sold well; but Tolstoy himself was disappointed with the book, feeling he had not been able to convey all that he had wanted to say.

Anna Karenina is one of the most popular novels of all time. It is available in multiple languages and formats, including Kindle, audio, and paperback. It has sold millions of copies and continues to be popular among readers today.

Anna Karenina Summary

The story begins with the introduction of Anna Arkadyevna Karenina, a beautiful 28-year-old woman who is married to a wealthy and important man named Alexey Alexandrovitch Karenin. She is unhappy in her marriage, however, and is having an affair with the handsome young officer Count Vronsky.

One day, while out riding with Vronsky, Anna Karenina’s horse stumbles and she is thrown from the saddle. Although she is not seriously injured, she is shaken up and decides to leave Moscow and go to Petersburg, where her brother Oblonsky lives.

Stiva Oblonsky has recently been unfaithful to his wife Dolly and is feeling guilty. When Anna Karenina arrives, she scolds him for his behavior but also forgives him. Stiva introduces her to his friend Levin, a country landowner who is in Petersburg on business.

Levin is immediately attracted to Anna Karenina and asks her to dance. She agrees, and they have a pleasant conversation. However, Levin is embarrassed by his own awkwardness and decides not to pursue her further. Overall, he is not impressed by the society life in Petersburg and longs to return to his country estate.

Details of Anna Karenina Book

BookAnna Karenina
AuthorLeo Tolstoy
Original languageEnglish
Originally published1877
CategoryRealist novel
PublisherThe Russian Messenger
Total Pages864
FormatPDF, ePub

Multiple Languages Editions of Anna Karenina Book

It has been translated into many languages, including English, German, French, Spanish, and Russian.

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About the Author

Leo Tolstoy was a Russian writer who is considered one of the greatest authors of all time. He is best known for his two most famous works, War and Peace and Anna Karenina. Both of these novels are considered masterpieces of world literature.

Anna Karenina

Tolstoy was born in 1828 into a noble family in Russia. He was educated at the University of Kazan but he did not complete his studies there. Tolstoy served in the Russian army during the Crimean War and he was later appointed as a justice of the peace in his hometown of Yasnaya Polyana.

It was during this time that Tolstoy began to write fiction. His first novel, Childhood, was published in 1852. Tolstoy’s other early novels include Boyhood and Youth (1854), Sevastopol Sketches (1855), and The Cossacks (1863).

Tolstoy’s major works of fiction include War and Peace (1869) and Anna Karenina (1877). Both of these novels are considered to be among the greatest works of world literature. Tolstoy’s later years were marked by a growing interest in mysticism and religion. He eventually renounced his noble status and all of his possessions, and he lived the rest of his life as a simple peasant. Tolstoy died in 1910 at the age of 82.

Anna Karenina PDF Free Download

If you are looking for a pdf file of Anna Karenina book, it is available here. Just click the download button below to get it.

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Is Anna Karenina hard to read?

No, Anna Karenina is not difficult to read. It is a classic work of world literature that has been enjoyed by readers for centuries.

What is the main theme of Anna Karenina?

The main theme of Anna Karenina is love. The novel explores the various forms of love, both good and bad.

What age should you read Anna Karenina?

Some people may argue that Anna Karenina is suitable for readers of all ages, while others may say that it is best suited for adults.

Is Anna Karenina a true story?

No, Anna Karenina is not a true story. It is a work of fiction written by Leo Tolstoy.

Who is the villain in Anna Karenina?

The villain in Anna Karenina is Konstantin Levin. He is the husband of Anna Karenina and he tries to control her.

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