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designing brand identity

Designing Brand Identity PDF Free Download

Designing Brand Identity PDF is a book written by Alina Wheeler and published by John Wiley & Sons. The first edition was published in 2003 and has since become a widely recognized and respected resource for branding professionals and students alike.

Designing Brand Identity has received positive reviews from both industry professionals and academic reviewers. The book is widely regarded as a valuable resource for anyone looking to build or improve their branding knowledge. Many readers have praised the book’s clear and concise writing style, as well as its thorough and practical approach to branding.

The book’s themes include the importance of research and strategy, the relationship between brand identity and brand image, the role of design in branding, and the ongoing process of brand management. Wheeler argues that the key to successful branding is a clear and consistent brand identity, and she provides a step-by-step guide to achieving this goal. Designing Brand Identity is available in hardcover, paperback, and ebook formats.

Designing Brand Identity Summary

The book begins by discussing the importance of research and strategy in branding. It explains that a successful brand requires a clear understanding of the target audience and the competition, as well as a clear brand vision and message.

The book then covers the process of designing a brand identity, including the creation of a name, logo, and visual style. It explains that a strong brand identity helps to create a consistent and recognizable image for the brand, which is important for building customer trust and loyalty.

Next, the book covers the design and implementation of packaging, advertising, and other brand touchpoints. It explains that these touchpoints should all be consistent with the brand identity and should reinforce the brand’s message and image.

Finally, the book discusses the ongoing process of brand management. It explains that a brand is not a static thing, but rather something that needs to be constantly monitored and adjusted to stay relevant and effective.

Details of Designing Brand Identity Book

BookDesigning Brand Identity
AuthorAlina Wheeler
Original languageEnglish
Originally published2003
CategoryReference work
PublisherJohn Wiley & Sons
Total Pages336
FormatPDF, ePub

Multiple Languages Editions of Designing Brand Identity Book

Designing Brand Identity by Alina Wheeler is available in English and has been translated into several other languages, including Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, and Chinese.

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About the Author

Alina Wheeler is an author, speaker, and branding consultant. She is the author of several books on branding and design, including Designing Brand Identity and Designing Web Interfaces. Wheeler has worked as a branding consultant for over 20 years, helping organizations to build and improve their brands.

designing brand identity

Wheeler is known for her expertise in branding and design, as well as her ability to communicate complex ideas in a clear and accessible way. She has given presentations and workshops on branding and design all over the world and is a sought-after speaker on the subject.

In addition to her consulting work, Wheeler is also a frequent writer and commentator on branding and design. She has written articles for numerous publications and has been quoted in media outlets such as The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Forbes.

Overall, Alina Wheeler is a respected and influential figure in the branding and design communities. She is widely regarded as an expert on branding, and her books and consulting work have helped many organizations to build successful and effective brands.

Designing Brand Identity PDF Free Download

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FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the book Designing Brand Identity about?

It is a book about creating and managing a successful brand, including the process of designing a brand identity.

How many pages is Designing Brand Identity?

The number of pages in “Designing Brand Identity” is approximately 300.

Who is the target audience of Designing Brand Identity?

The target audience of “Designing Brand Identity” is professionals and students interested in branding.

How long does it take to read the Designing Brand Identity book?

It could take anywhere from 5 to 20 hours to read the book from cover to cover.

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