Reading to Live a Thousand Lives

Exalted PDF Free Download

Exalted PDF is a book written by Anna Dorn and published in the year 2022 by Unnamed Press. This novel explores themes of love, loyalty, identity, and self-discovery through its protagonist, Alina. It follows her journey as she discovers more about who she is and how to embrace who she wants to be despite all odds.

The novel has been praised by critics for its bold and engaging story. It has sold thousands of copies across the world and is available in both paperback and ebook formats. Readers have enjoyed the characters’ growth throughout the book, as each character faces their own struggles and learns to accept themselves in the end.

Exalted also features strong female protagonists, which is a common thread throughout Dorn’s work. Critics have noted her ability to create strong female characters while still exploring the complexities of relationships between them and other characters in the book. In short, Exalted is an amazing read that can take readers on an emotional roller coaster through its characters’ journeys.

Exalted Summary

The book starts with a chapter one The Exalted , which introduces the reader to the world and its inhabitants. It then goes on to explain the history behind the Exalted, their central role in maintaining balance and peace in the world, and their sacred duty towards both humanity and nature.

Chapter two dives into how these Exalted were chosen by the gods as well as some of their individual characteristics and abilities. This chapter also touches upon why they are so important to the world, as well as their symbolic role in society.

In chapter three, readers are taken on a journey through the magical realms of the Exalted, from their home base in the heavens to various other locations such as sacred forests and hidden cities. Overall, this book provides readers with an in-depth look at the magical world of Exalted and the characters within it.

Details of Exalted Book

AuthorAnna Dorn
Original languageEnglish
Originally published2022
PublisherUnnamed Press
Total Pages293
FormatPDF, ePub

Multiple Languages Editions of Exalted Book

Exalted book has been translated into multiple languages since its original publication in English. These editions include several from the Japanese publisher Hobby Japan, as well as a Mandarin edition from Beijing Xunlei Network Technology Co., Ltd.

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About the Author

Anna Dorn is an American fantasy novelist and author of the popular Exalted series. She emerged as one of the most innovative writers in the genre after her debut novel, Exalted, was published in 2001. With a background in archaeology and anthropology, Dorn has created a richly detailed world that readers find engaging and immersive.


In addition to writing fiction, Dorn is also an accomplished public speaker, giving lectures and workshops on the craft of writing and the power of imagination. She has appeared at literary festivals around the world, including San Diego Comic-Con International, Asheville Wordfest in North Carolina, and Edinburgh International Book Festival in Scotland.

Anna Dorn was born in San Francisco and currently resides in Los Angeles. She is a devoted advocate for animal rights, as well as a champion of environmental conservation. In addition to writing, she enjoys playing video games, hiking, and collecting vintage books.

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FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)

What is Exalted book about?

Exalted is a science fiction/fantasy novel by Anna Dorn that follows the story of an exiled prince who has been sent away from his home world of Lumeria.

How many pages does Exalted have?

Exalted has 448 pages.

What is the main theme of Exalted?

The main theme of Exalted is acceptance, and overcoming one’s struggles. It also focuses on themes of loyalty and the importance of family.

Who is the target audience of Exalted book?

Exalted is appropriate for readers of all ages. It is suitable for young adults and adults.

Is Exalted worth reading?

Yes, Exalted is a captivating story that will keep readers engaged from start to finish. It’s an exciting adventure with lots of action and interesting characters.

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