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It Starts With Food

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It Starts With Food PDF is a book written by Dallas Hartwig and Melissa Hartwig. The book was published by Victory Belt Publishing in 2012. The authors are known for creating the Whole30 diet, and this book is the foundation of that program.

BookIt Starts With Food
AuthorDallas Hartwig and Melissa Hartwig
Original languageEnglish
Originally publishedJune 12, 2012
CategoryDiet book
PublisherVictory Belt Publishing
Total Pages328
FormatPDF, ePub

The book has received positive reviews, with many people praising its accessible style and practical advice. It has been called “life-changing” by many readers, and has inspired many people to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

The themes of the book include the importance of eating whole foods, the impact of our diet on our health and well-being, and the benefits of eliminating processed and refined foods from our diet. The book also addresses common misconceptions about nutrition and offers practical tips for making dietary changes. The book is available in both print and digital formats, including Kindle and audiobook.


The book starts by explaining how the food we eat can either make us healthy or sick. It argues that many chronic diseases are caused by the highly processed and refined foods we eat. The authors introduce the idea of the Whole30 program, which involves eliminating processed and refined foods from our diet for 30 days to improve our health.

The book then goes on to explain the science behind the program, including how our bodies digest food and how different foods can affect our hormones and immune system. It also debunks common myths about nutrition, such as the idea that fat is bad for us.

The authors then provide practical advice for implementing the Whole30 program, including tips for meal planning, grocery shopping, and cooking. They also address common challenges people face when trying to change their diet, such as social pressures and cravings.

Towards the end of the book, the authors address the emotional and psychological aspects of food, and how our relationship with food can affect our health. They offer advice on how to develop a healthy relationship with food and how to maintain a healthy diet long-term.

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It Starts With Food is available in English and has been translated into several languages, including Spanish, German, French, Italian, and Dutch. The availability of translated editions may vary by country and bookstore.

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About the Author

The authors of It Starts With Food are Dallas Hartwig and Melissa Hartwig. They are both certified sports nutritionists, personal trainers, and best-selling authors.

It Starts With Food

Dallas Hartwig received his Bachelor of Science degree in anatomy and physiology and later earned a Doctorate in Physical Therapy. He has worked in the health and fitness industry for over 20 years and has helped thousands of clients improve their health through diet and exercise.

Melissa Hartwig is a Certified Sports Nutritionist and has a Bachelor’s degree in Health Education. She has worked in the health and fitness industry for over 15 years and has helped thousands of people change their relationship with food and improve their health.

Together, Dallas and Melissa created the Whole30 program, which has helped millions of people around the world improve their health through diet and lifestyle changes. They have also co-authored several other books, including The Whole30 and The Whole30 Cookbook.

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Who Should Read This Book?

“It Starts with Food” by Dallas Hartwig and Melissa Hartwig is a book that offers a comprehensive approach to understanding and improving one’s relationship with food. It is particularly beneficial for the following audiences:

  • Individuals seeking to improve their overall health and well-being: This book provides valuable insights into the impact of different foods on our bodies, emphasizing the importance of a nutrient-dense and whole foods-based diet. It can be beneficial for individuals looking to make positive changes to their eating habits and optimize their health.
  • Those interested in understanding the connection between food and various health conditions: “It Starts with Food” explores how certain foods can affect our bodies and contribute to health issues such as inflammation, digestive problems, autoimmune conditions, and more. It can be a valuable resource for individuals looking to understand the role of food in managing or preventing specific health conditions.
  • People interested in adopting a structured and sustainable approach to eating: The book introduces the Whole30 program, a 30-day reset plan designed to help individuals identify and eliminate potentially problematic foods, improve their relationship with food, and establish healthier eating habits. It provides practical guidance, meal plans, and recipes for those interested in following the program.
  • Individuals with weight management goals: “It Starts with Food” addresses the relationship between food and weight, focusing on how certain foods can impact cravings, metabolism, and body composition. It offers insights and strategies for sustainable weight management through a whole foods-based approach.

Overall, “It Starts with Food” is recommended for individuals looking to gain a deeper understanding of nutrition, improve their health, address specific health conditions, and establish a healthier relationship with food.

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