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Managing Oneself

Managing Oneself PDF Free Download

Managing Oneself PDF is a book written by Peter Drucker and published in 1999 by Butterworth-Heinemann. The book is about personal management and how individuals can better manage themselves to be more effective and successful.

The book explores the concept of “knowledge workers” and how they need to manage themselves differently than other types of workers. It also discusses the importance of self-awareness and feedback in order to improve oneself.

Managing Oneself has been reviewed positively by many critics. Many people have praised the book for its insights on self-management and its practical advice. It has sold over 500,000 copies and is available in paperback, ebook, and audio formats. If you are looking for a book on how to better manage yourself, then Managing Oneself is a great choice. It will help you to become more effective and successful in your work and in your life.

Managing Oneself Summary

The book starts by introducing the idea of self-management and why it is important. It then goes on to discuss the different aspects of self-management, such as time management, goal setting, and decision-making.

As the book progress, it provides practical advice on how to implement these concepts in your life. The book concludes with a discussion on the importance of lifelong learning and how to keep yourself motivated.

Self-management is a key ingredient to success in any field, yet it is something that many people struggle with. Managing Oneself aims to change that by providing readers with the tools they need to take control of their lives.

In the end, the author provides his email id and website address so that readers can get in touch with him for further help.

Details of Managing Oneself Book

BookManaging Oneself
AuthorPeter Drucker
Original languageEnglish
Originally publishedJanuary 7, 2008
CategoryBusiness & Economics
PublisherHarvard Business Review Press
Total Pages128
FormatPDF, ePub

Multiple Languages Editions of Managing Oneself Book

Managing Oneself book has been translated into more than 20 languages. The book is used in universities and business schools around the world.

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About the Author

Peter Drucker is considered to be the father of modern management. He was born in Austria in 1909 and died in 2005. After a long and successful career as a journalist, he turned his attention to management, becoming one of the most influential thinkers in that field.

Managing Oneself

He start writing about management in the 1940s, and his best-known book, The Effective Executive, was published in 1967. In it, Drucker argued that the key to effective leadership is not so much about finding the right answers, but rather about asking the right questions.

His work has had a profound impact on how businesses are run, and he is still cited by business leaders today. In Managing Oneself, Drucker provides readers with a framework for understanding their own strengths and weaknesses, and for making the most of them.

In an interview with The New York Times shortly before his death, Drucker said that the book was his attempt to answer the question: “What are the things that effective people do differently?” Drucker divides Managing Oneself into two parts. The first part is about self-awareness, and the second is about self-management.

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FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the Managing Oneself book about?

The book is about self-awareness and self-management. In it, Drucker provides readers with a framework for understanding their own strengths and weaknesses, and for making the most of them.

Who is the main target audience of the Managing Oneself book?

The book is aimed at people who want to improve their self-awareness and self-management skills.

What are the main themes in Managing Oneself book?

The book covers two main themes: self-awareness and self-management.

How many pages are the Managing Oneself book have?

The book has 144 pages.

How long does it take to read the Managing Oneself book?

It takes about 4-6 hours to read the book.

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