Reading to Live a Thousand Lives

Mastery PDF Free Download

The Mastery PDF book by Robert Greene was published by Penguin Books on November 5, 2013. As of July 2016, the book had sold over one million copies and was available in hardcover, paperback, ebook, and audio formats.

The book was generally well-received by critics with Publishers Weekly praising its ” fresh take on success” and The Economist called it ” absorbing .”

The Mastery book is a guide to help the reader achieve mastery in their chosen field. The book draws on biographies of historical figures such as Benjamin Franklin, Mozart, and Charles Darwin to provide insights and lessons on how to achieve success.

For anyone who is serious about becoming the best at what they do, Mastery pdf is required reading.

Mastery Summary

In Mastery, Robert Greene argues that the path to mastery can be found by understanding the work of past masters and identifying one’s own goals. He provides biographical sketches of historical figures such as Leonardo da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, and Friedrich Nietzsche, among others, in order to illustrate his points.

Greene argues that there are four stages to mastery:

1) Apprenticeship: A period of intense learning during which the apprentice develops the skills and knowledge necessary to become a master.

2) Journeyman: The journeyman phase is characterized by a greater level of skill and competence. The journeyman is able to produce work of high quality but lacks the originality and creativity of a true master.

3) Adept: During the adept stage, the individual begins to develop their own style and approach. They are also able to see beyond the existing body of knowledge and find new ways of doing things.

4) Master: The final stage of mastery is characterized by complete mastery of the subject matter. The master is able to innovate and create new things, rather than simply imitate what has been done before.

Details of Mastery Book

AuthorRobert Greene
Original languageEnglish
Originally publishedNovember 13, 2012
PublisherViking Adult
Total Pages353
FormatPDF, ePub
Current Ratings4.7

Multiple Languages Editions of Mastery Book

The Mastery book has been translated into multiple languages including Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

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About the Author

Robert Greene is an American author and speaker known for his books on strategy, power, and seduction. He has written five international bestsellers: The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction, The 33 Strategies of War, The 50th Law (with rapper 50 Cent), and Mastery.


Greene’s books have been translated into 48 languages and have sold over 10 million copies worldwide. He has been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Time magazine, Esquire, Rolling Stone, Forbes, and many other publications.

Greene was born in Los Angeles, California on May 14, 1959. He graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with a degree in Classical Studies. He then earned a master’s degree in Medieval History from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Greene has worked as a writer and editor for Esquire, Rolling Stone, and George magazine. He currently lives in Los Angeles with his wife and two children.

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Is Mastery a good book?

Yes, the Mastery book is a good book. If you are serious about becoming the best at what you do, it is required reading.

What do we achieve from the Mastery book?

The book provides insights and lessons on how to achieve success from the lives of some of the most successful people who have ever lived.

How can I achieve mastery according to Mastery Book?

There is no single path to mastery, but the book provides some useful insights and lessons that can help you on your journey.

Who is the Mastery book for?

The book is for anyone who wants to achieve mastery in their field.

Is the Mastery book worth reading?

Yes, the book is definitely worth reading if you are serious about becoming the best at what you do.

What is Mastery according to Greene?

Mastery, according to Greene, is the process of becoming the best at what you do. It requires dedication, hard work, and a willingness to learn from your mistakes.

What genre is Mastery by Robert Greene?

The Mastery book is classified as a self-help book.

How many pages does Mastery have?

The Mastery book has 353 pages.

How long does it take to read Mastery?

It takes most people about 10-12 hours to read the book in its entirety.

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