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The Jesus I Never Knew

The Jesus I Never Knew PDF Free Download

The Jesus I Never Knew PDF is a book written by Philip Yancey and published by Zondervan in 1995. The book explores the historical Jesus and his teachings, examining the ways in which Jesus’ message has been understood and misinterpreted throughout history.

The book received positive reviews, with critics praising Yancey’s writing style and his ability to make complex theological concepts accessible to a general audience. It became a bestseller and is considered a classic on the subject.

The book is available in multiple formats, including hardcover, paperback, audiobook, and e-book. The themes of the book include understanding the true nature of Jesus, the importance of personal faith, and the relevance of Jesus’ message in the modern world.

The Jesus I Never Knew Summary

In the first part of the book, Yancey delves into the historical context of Jesus’ life and teachings, including the religious and political climate of the time. He examines the historical evidence for Jesus’ existence and looks at the different accounts of his life that are found in the Bible.

In the second part of the book, Yancey examines the teachings of Jesus, focusing on the themes of love, forgiveness, and humility. He looks at how Jesus’ message is relevant to modern life, and how his teachings can be applied to our own lives. He also talks about how Jesus’ message is misunderstood by many people and how it can be difficult to understand the true nature of Jesus.

In the third part of the book, Yancey explores the idea of personal faith, and how it relates to understanding Jesus. He discusses the importance of having a personal relationship with Jesus, and how this can lead to a deeper understanding of his message. He also talks about how having personal faith can help us to overcome the challenges of life and to find meaning in our lives.

Details of The Jesus I Never Knew Book

BookThe Jesus I Never Knew
AuthorPhilip Yancey
Original languageEnglish
Originally publishedSeptember 9, 1995
CategoryBiography, Christian literature
Total Pages232
FormatPDF, ePub

Multiple Languages Editions of The Jesus I Never Knew Book

The Jesus I Never Knew by Philip Yancey is available in multiple languages including English, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, and Korean. The book has also been translated into many other languages.

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About the Author

Philip Yancey is an American Christian author and journalist. He is best known for his books on Christian theology and spirituality, including The Jesus I Never Knew. He was born on October 3, 1949, in Atlanta, Georgia, and he grew up in a Christian home. Yancey earned a degree in English from Wheaton College in Illinois and later attended graduate school at the University of Chicago.

The Jesus I Never Knew

Yancey began his writing career as a journalist, working for Christianity Today magazine. He went on to write several books, including The Jesus I Never Knew, which has become a classic on the subject. He also wrote other bestsellers such as “Where is God when it hurts”,”The Bible Jesus Read” and “Prayer: Does it Make Any Difference?”. Yancey is also known for his essays, editorials, and articles that have appeared in numerous publications.

Yancey has been honored with numerous awards and honors, including the Gold Medallion Award, the Christianity Today Book Award, and the ECPA Platinum Book Award. He has also been named one of the 25 most influential preachers in the English-speaking world.

Yancey’s writing focuses on the relevance of Christianity to daily life, and he is known for his ability to make complex theological concepts accessible to a general audience. He has a large following among both Christian and secular readers, and his books have been translated into many languages.

The Jesus I Never Knew PDF Free Download

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FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the book The Jesus I Never Knew about?

The book The Jesus I Never Knew is about exploring the historical Jesus and his teachings, examining the ways in which Jesus’ message has been understood and misinterpreted throughout history.

What age is the book The Jesus I Never Knew?

The book The Jesus I Never Knew was first published in 1995.

Why is The Jesus I Never Knew a good book?

The Jesus I Never Knew is a good book because it delves into the historical Jesus and his teachings, and how they apply to our modern world.

What is the main theme of The Jesus I Never Knew?

The main theme of The Jesus I Never Knew is exploring the historical Jesus and his teachings.

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