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The Laws Of The Spirit World

The Laws of the Spirit World PDF Free Download

The Laws of the Spirit World PDF is a book that was written by Khorshed Bhavnagri and published by Hay House in 2002. The book is about the spirit world and the laws that govern it. It covers topics such as reincarnation, karma, and the afterlife.

The book has sold over two million copies and has been translated into over twenty languages. It is available in paperback, audio, and ebook formats. The book has received mixed reviews. Some people have praised it for its insights into the spirit world, while others have criticized it for its lack of scientific evidence.

However, the book remains popular and continues to sell well. If you are interested in learning more about the spirit world, then this book is a good choice.

The Laws of the Spirit World Summary

The book starts off with the story of the author’s (Khorshed Bhavnagri) own personal experience in the Spirit world. She and her husband had died in a car accident and found themselves in the company of many other spirits. They were all waiting to be assigned their tasks for the next lifetime.

The first law that is introduced is the law of vibrations. This law states that everything in the universe is made up of vibrating energy, and that the different frequencies of these vibrations determine the form that they will take. For example, human beings vibrate at a higher frequency than rocks, which is why we are able to move and interact with our environment in ways that rocks cannot.

The second law is the law of attraction, which states that like energies are drawn to each other. This is why people who are vibrating at similar frequencies tend to be attracted to each other. This law also explains why it is possible for human beings to influence their environment with their thoughts and emotions – because our thoughts and emotions are also made up of energy, which can affect the energies around us.

Details of The Laws of the Spirit World Book

BookThe Laws of the Spirit World
AuthorKhorshed Bhavnagri
Original languageEnglish
Originally published2009
CategoryReligion, Philosophy
PublisherJaico Publishing House
Total Pages380
FormatPDF, ePub

Multiple Languages Editions of The Laws of the Spirit World Book

The Laws of the Spirit World book has been translated into many languages and is available in most countries.

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About the Author

Khorshed Bhavnagri (born October 10, 1952) is an Indian-American author and lecturer, best known for her book The Laws of the Spirit World, which she says was dictated to her by her deceased son.

The Laws Of The Spirit World

Bhavnagri was born in Mumbai, India, and raised in a Zoroastrian family. She moved to the United States in 1974, and became a naturalized citizen in 1984. She has a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of California, Berkeley.

Bhavnagri’s son, Cyrus, died in a car accident in India in 1997. Bhavnagri says that after his death, Cyrus began communicating with her from the spirit world, dictating to her the contents of The Laws of the Spirit World. The book was published in 2002 and has been translated into several languages.

Bhavnagri has appeared on television and radio programs around the world to discuss her book and her experiences with the spirit world. She currently resides in San Francisco, California.

The Laws of the Spirit World PDF Free Download

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FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the book The Laws of the Spirit World about?

The Laws of the Spirit World is a book about the spiritual realm and how it works. It covers topics such as life after death, reincarnation, karma, and more.

How was the book The Laws of the Spirit World received?

The book was very well received by both critics and readers alike.

Is The Laws of the Spirit World worth reading?

Absolutely! The book is not only informative but also fascinating and eye-opening. It will change the way you see the world and the afterlife.

How long does it take to read The Laws of the Spirit World?

The book is relatively short, at just under 200 pages. However, it is packed with information and will take some time to digest.

What is the main purpose of the author to write The Laws of the Spirit World?

The main purpose of the author was to share her knowledge and understanding of the spiritual realm in order to help others.

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