Reading to Live a Thousand Lives
War Is A Racket

War Is a Racket PDF Free Download

War Is a Racket pdf is a book published by Farrar & Rinehart in 1935. It was written by Major General Smedley D. Butler, who was a retired United States Marine Corps major general and two-time Medal of Honor recipient. The book is an exposé on how businesses profit from war.

The book was well-received and became a bestseller. It has been reprinted several times and is still in print today. War Is a Racket has been praised for its insights into the realities of war and the profit motives that drive it. It is considered an important work of anti-war literature.

It has sold over half a million copies and has been translated into several languages. War Is a Racket is available in paperback, Kindle, and audiobook formats.

War Is a Racket Summary

The book War Is a Racket is an exposé of the United States military-industrial complex written by two-time Medal of Honor recipient Major General Smedley Butler. In it, Butler argues that World War I was not fought for the noble reasons advertised at the time, but instead for the profits of a few large corporations.

He further argues that the same is true of World War II and that future wars will be fought for similar reasons unless the American people wake up and stop being duped by those in power.

Butler’s own experience as a Marine Corps officer during both world wars gives his arguments a great deal of weight, and the book was widely read and influential at the time of its publication. Though it is now somewhat forgotten, War Is a Racket remains an important work of anti-war literature.

Details of War Is a Racket Book

BookWar Is a Racket
AuthorSmedley Butler
Original languageEnglish
Originally published1935
PublisherRound Table Press
Total Pages51
FormatPDF, ePub

Multiple Languages Editions of War Is a Racket Book

War Is a Racket has been translated into several languages, including German, Spanish, French, and Italian. These foreign-language editions allow the book to reach a wider audience and further its message of peace.

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About the Author

Major General Smedley Butler was a decorated Marine Corps officer who fought in both World War I and II. After his retirement from the military, he wrote War Is a Racket, in which he exposed the military-industrial complex and argued that future wars would be fought for profit rather than for any noble cause.

War Is A Racket

Smedley Butler is a well-known figure in Marine Corps history. He was born in 1881 and served as a Marine during the Banana Wars and World War I. He was awarded the Medal of Honor twice, once for his actions in the Veracruz Expedition and once for his actions in Haiti.

Butler retired from the Marines in 1931 and wrote War Is a Racket in 1935. He died in 1940, but his legacy as a critic of American militarism lives on.

Butler’s experience and credibility as a Marine Corps officer give his arguments a great deal of weight, and the book was widely read and influential at the time of its publication. Though it is now somewhat forgotten, War Is a Racket remains an important work of anti-war literature.

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FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)

What is War Is a Racket book about?

War Is a Racket is an exposé of the United States military-industrial complex written by two-time Medal of Honor recipient Major General Smedley Butler.

What is the main purpose of the author to write War Is a Racket book?

The main purpose of Butler to write War Is a Racket is to argue that World War I was not fought for the noble reasons advertised at the time, but instead for the profits of a few large corporations.

What is the author’s belief about future wars?

The author believes that future wars will be fought for similar reasons unless the American people wake up and stop being duped by those in power.

What is the main message of War Is a Racket book?

The main message of War Is a Racket is that wars are not fought for the benefit of the people, but for the profit of a few large corporations.

What is the reading level of War Is a Racket?

The reading level of War Is a Racket is college level.

Who would be interested in reading War Is a Racket?

People who are interested in anti-war literature, military history, and current affairs would be interested in reading War Is a Racket.

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