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a happy pocket full of money

A Happy Pocket Full of Money PDF Free Download

A Happy Pocket Full of Money PDF is a self-help book written by David Cameron Gikandi and published by Infinite Ideas in 2008. The book focuses on the concept of abundance and wealth creation and is designed to help readers develop a more positive and productive mindset.

The themes of the book include financial literacy, the law of attraction, and positive thinking. Gikandi argues that one’s thoughts and beliefs shape their reality, and by changing one’s mindset, it is possible to attract abundance and prosperity into their life.

The book has received positive reviews from readers, with many praising its simple and easy-to-understand approach to personal finance and wealth creation. Some have called it a “life-changing” read and have reported significant improvements in their financial situation after applying the principles discussed in the book. A Happy Pocket Full of Money is available in several formats, including hardcover, paperback, and e-book.

A Happy Pocket Full of Money Summary

The book starts by introducing the concept of a prosperity consciousness, which is the belief that abundance and wealth are possible for everyone. It then goes on to explain how our thoughts and beliefs shape our financial reality, and how negative thoughts and beliefs can prevent us from attracting wealth.

Throughout the book, Gikandi provides practical advice and exercises to help readers develop a prosperity consciousness and shift their mindset. For example, the author emphasizes the importance of gratitude, visualization, and positive thinking in manifesting financial success.

The book also covers topics such as abundance blocks, which are limiting beliefs and fears that prevent us from attracting wealth, and the Law of Attraction, which states that we attract what we focus on. The author also provides tips on how to identify and overcome abundance blocks. The book concludes by reinforcing the importance of developing a prosperity consciousness and maintaining a positive mindset.

Details of A Happy Pocket Full of Money Book

BookA Happy Pocket Full of Money
AuthorDavid Cameron Gikandi
Original languageEnglish
Originally published2008
CategorySelf Help
PublisherHampton Roads Publishing
Total Pages256
FormatPDF, ePub

Multiple Languages Editions of A Happy Pocket Full of Money Book

A Happy Pocket Full of Money is primarily published in English but has also been translated into several other languages including Spanish, French, German, and Portuguese.

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About the Author

David Cameron Gikandi is a self-help author, speaker, and coach. He is best known for his book “A Happy Pocket Full of Money,” which was first published in 2008. Gikandi’s philosophy is centered around the idea that our thoughts and beliefs about money determine our financial circumstances and that by changing these thoughts and beliefs, we can attract abundance into our lives.

a happy pocket full of money

Gikandi has been involved in the personal development field for many years and has worked with individuals, businesses, and organizations to help them develop a prosperity consciousness and achieve their financial goals. He has also written several other books on personal development and wealth creation and is a sought-after speaker and teacher in the field of self-help and personal growth.

In his work, Gikandi emphasizes the importance of positive thinking, gratitude, and visualization in manifesting financial success, and provides practical advice and exercises to help individuals shift their mindset and attract abundance into their lives.

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FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the book A Happy Pocket Full of Money about?

A Happy Pocket Full of Money is a self-help book that teaches readers how to improve their financial situation by changing their thoughts and beliefs about money.

Is A Happy Pocket Full of Money book worth reading?

The worth of “A Happy Pocket Full of Money” is subjective and depends on individual opinions.

Who is the target audience of A Happy Pocket Full of Money book?

The target audience of “A Happy Pocket Full of Money” are individuals who are interested in personal development and wealth creation.

What is the grade level of A Happy Pocket Full of Money book?

The grade level of “A Happy Pocket Full of Money” is likely an adult or mature reader.

What is the author’s purpose to write A Happy Pocket Full of Money book?

The author’s purpose to write “A Happy Pocket Full of Money” was to help individuals change their relationship with money and attract abundance into their lives by developing a prosperity consciousness and shifting their mindset.

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