Reading to Live a Thousand Lives
As I Lay Dying

As I Lay Dying PDF Free Download

As I Lay Dying PDF is a novel by William Faulkner, first published in 1930. It is considered one of Faulkner’s most notable works and is often studied in literature classes. The novel tells the story of the Bundren family and their journey to bury the matriarch of the family, Addie, in her hometown. The story is told through the perspectives of 15 different characters, which gives a unique and varied insight into the characters’ thoughts and emotions.

Themes in the novel include the nature of family relationships, the human desire for connection, and the impact of death on the living. Faulkner’s writing style in As I Lay Dying is often described as experimental and challenging, but it is also considered to be a masterpiece of modernist literature.

As I Lay Dying is available in various formats including hardcover, paperback, and ebook. The book has received positive reviews from critics, with many praising its unique narrative structure and Faulkner’s powerful prose. It is widely considered a classic of modern American literature.

As I Lay Dying Summary

The novel begins with the death of Addie Bundren and her family’s preparations for her burial. The family, consisting of her husband Anse, and their children Cash, Darl, Jewel, Dewey Dell, and Vardaman, decide to bury Addie in her hometown, which is several days away by foot. As they embark on the journey, they face various obstacles such as flooding and broken bridges, which delay their progress.

Throughout the journey, the characters reveal their thoughts and emotions through their perspectives, which vary greatly. Anse, the father, is portrayed as being selfish and uncaring, while his son Jewel is portrayed as being fiercely loyal to his mother. Darl, another son, is portrayed as being intelligent but also disturbed. The daughter Dewey Dell is portrayed as being desperate for a solution to her unwanted pregnancy, and Vardaman, the youngest son, is portrayed as being confused about the death of his mother.

As the family continues on their journey, their relationships with each other become strained and several conflicts arise. Darl is eventually taken away to an asylum, and Cash is injured while building a coffin for Addie.

Details of As I Lay Dying Book

BookAs I Lay Dying
AuthorWilliam Faulkner
Original languageEnglish
Originally published1930
PublisherRandom House
Total Pages288
FormatPDF, ePub

Multiple Languages Editions of As I Lay Dying Book

As I Lay Dying is available in English, it is also translated into several languages including German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Chinese, and Japanese. The book is widely available in hardcover, paperback, and ebook formats.

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About the Author

William Faulkner was an American novelist, short-story writer, and poet. He was born in New Albany, Mississippi on September 25, 1897, and died on July 6, 1962. He is considered one of the most important figures in American literature and is known for his experimental writing style and his exploration of the human condition.

As I Lay Dying

Faulkner grew up in Mississippi and was deeply influenced by the history and culture of the South. He began writing while in high school and published his first book, a collection of poetry, in 1918. He continued to write throughout his life and published several novels and short-story collections, including As I Lay Dying, which was published in 1930.

Faulkner’s works often deal with themes such as family, race, and the human condition, and are known for their powerful and evocative language. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1949 for his “powerful and artistically unique contribution to the modern American novel”.

Faulkner’s writing is often considered experimental, using a stream of consciousness and shifting perspectives, and he is credited with revolutionizing modern American literature. Some of his famous novels include The Sound and the Fury, Light in August, and Absalom, Absalom!

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FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the point of As I Lay Dying?

The point of As I Lay Dying is to explore the complexities of human relationships, death and the impact of family and society on individuals through the journey of the Bundren family to bury their mother.

Is As I Lay Dying a good read?

As I Lay Dying is considered a classic of modern literature and is widely considered a good read.

What reading level is As I Lay Dying?

As I Lay Dying is considered a complex read and is usually recommended for advanced readers and students in high school or college.

Is As I Lay Dying a comedy or tragedy?

As I Lay Dying is a tragedy as it deals with the death of the matriarch of the Bundren family and the impact it has on the characters.

What do the animals symbolize in As I Lay Dying?

In As I Lay Dying, the animals symbolize the primal nature of life and death, as well as the characters’ relationships to the land, their society, and their own mortality.

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