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Black Hat Python

Black Hat Python PDF Free Download

Black Hat Python PDF is a book written by Justin Seitz and published in 2014. It is a guide to using the Python programming language for penetration testing and ethical hacking. The book covers a wide range of topics, including network and web-based attacks, scripting and automation, and exploitation techniques. This book is available in both paperback and audio formats.

The book is aimed at intermediate to advanced programmers who have a basic understanding of Python and want to use it for ethical hacking and penetration testing. It is designed to be a practical guide and includes numerous code examples and exercises to help readers apply the concepts covered in the book.

Many readers have found the book to be a useful and informative guide to using Python for ethical hacking and penetration testing. Some reviewers have praised the book for its clear and concise explanations, detailed code examples, and practical approach. However, some reviewers have pointed out that the book assumes a certain level of prior knowledge and may be challenging for complete beginners.

Black Hat Python Summary

The book begins with an introduction to the basics of penetration testing and ethical hacking, including an overview of the various tools and techniques that are commonly used in these fields. It then goes on to cover the basics of the Python programming language, including data types, variables, loops, and functions.

After that, the book dives into the specifics of using Python for penetration testing and ethical hacking. The first half of the book focuses on network and web-based attacks, including chapters on topics such as sniffing network traffic, creating backdoors, and exploiting vulnerabilities in web applications.

The second half of the book focuses on scripting and automation, including chapters on automating common penetration testing tasks and using Python for network reconnaissance and vulnerability scanning. The book also covers topics such as creating payloads and exploits, bypassing antivirus software, and evading detection.

Details of Black Hat Python Book

BookBlack Hat Python
AuthorJustin Seitz
Original languageEnglish
Originally publishedDecember 2014
PublisherNo Starch Press
Total Pages192
FormatPDF, ePub

Multiple Languages Editions of Black Hat Python Book

“Black Hat Python” is originally written in English and it is available in the English language edition. To the best of my knowledge, there are no other language editions available.

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About the Author

Justin Seitz is the author of “Black Hat Python,” a book that provides a detailed overview of using the Python programming language for penetration testing and ethical hacking. He is an expert in the field of cybersecurity and has over a decade of experience in the industry.

Black Hat Python

Seitz is a security researcher and the owner of the consulting firm “Immunity, Inc.”, which specializes in penetration testing, malware analysis, and training. He has been a speaker at various conferences such as Black Hat, Defcon, and ShmooCon, and has published several papers on various topics such as offensive security, malware analysis, and exploitation techniques.

He has also written several other books on the topic of cybersecurity, such as “Gray Hat Python” and “Automating social engineering”

He is a Python enthusiast and also a regular contributor to the open-source community, having released several tools and libraries for penetration testing and security research.

Black Hat Python PDF Free Download

Click on the download button below to get a pdf file of the Black Hat Python book.

Similar Books to Black Hat Python Book

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  • Gray Hat Python: Python Programming for Hackers and Reverse Engineers by Justin Seitz
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  • Mastering Python for Networking and Security by Eric Chou
  • Python for Offensive PenTest: A Complete Practical Course by Hussam Khrais
  • Python for Security Professionals by Chris Duffy
  • Python Penetration Testing Essentials by Mohit
  • Python Web Penetration Testing Cookbook by Cameron Buchanan, Terry Ip, and Andrew Mabbitt

FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)

Is Black Hat Python good for beginners?

It is not recommended for beginners as it assumes a certain level of prior knowledge and can be challenging for those with little or no experience in the field of ethical hacking and penetration testing.

How many pages is Black Hat Python?

The page count of Black Hat Python is around 240 pages.

How long does it take to read the Black Hat Python book?

On average it should take around 8-10 hours to read the entire book.

Who is the target audience of the Black Hat Python book?

The target audience of the Black Hat Python book is intermediate to advanced programmers.

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