Reading to Live a Thousand Lives
Caliban's War

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Caliban’s War PDF is a science fiction novel by James S. A. Corey and published in 2012 by Orbit Books. It is the second installment of The Expanse series, following Leviathan Wakes. The story follows United Nations executive Chrisjen Avasarala and hardened soldier Bobbie Draper as they investigate a Martian attack on Earth while trying to prevent a war between the planets.

The novel explores themes of politics, identity, and humanity within a space opera setting as characters debate about how to handle interplanetary tensions. Caliban’s War has received praise from critics for its character development and complex world-building.

It has gone on to become one of the bestselling books in the series, with over a million copies sold worldwide. Caliban’s War is available in print, audiobook, and eBook formats. The novel serves as a strong continuation to the events in Leviathan Wakes and draws readers further into the Expanse series.

Caliban’s War Summary

The book starts with the discovery of an abandoned research station orbiting Jupiter’s moon Ganymede. This sets off a chain of events that will pit Earth and Mars against each other in a desperate fight for survival. On Ganymede, scientists have discovered something impossible: an alien technology that can alter the fundamental nature of humanity itself.

Desperate to keep their discovery away from Earth and Mars, the Ganymedeans declare independence, but soon their fragile freedom is threatened. With Earth and Mars in open war, the various forces of the solar system are drawn into a deadly struggle to control this mysterious new power.

At the center of the conflict stands Holden, a young man caught up in events beyond his control. As the war between Earth and Mars reaches its climax, Holden must decide whether to accept a new role as humanity’s savior or make the ultimate sacrifice for peace.

Details of Caliban’s War Book

BookCaliban's War
AuthorJames S. A. Corey
Original languageEnglish
Originally publishedJune 26, 2012
CategoryScience fiction, Space opera
PublisherOrbit Books
Total Pages605
FormatPDF, ePub

Multiple Languages Editions of Caliban’s War Book

Caliban’s War has been translated into multiple languages across the world. The book has been released in French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, and Chinese.

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About the Author

James S. A. Corey is the pen name for collaborators Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck. Abraham is an award-winning science fiction author best known for his Long Price Quartet series, while Franck works as a personal assistant to fantasy author George R.R. Martin.

Caliban's War

Together, they have created the popular The Expanse book series (comprised of nine books so far), of which Caliban’s War is the second installment. Set two hundred years into a future in which humanity has colonized Mars and much of the rest of our Solar System, the series follows protagonists Holden, Naomi Nagata, Bobbie Draper, and Alex Kamal as they investigate a mysterious alien protomolecule discovered on Venus that could be the key to human survival or destruction.

In Caliban’s War, Holden and his crew battle a powerful Martian Marine—and with her, all of Mars—over an ancient alien technology in the asteroid belt that threatens to tip the balance of power between Earth and Mars. As war rages, the planet Ganymede and its population of human refugees become the crucial battleground between Earth, Mars, and a mysterious enemy with an unknown agenda.

Caliban’s War PDF Free Download

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FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)

Why is Caliban’s War called that?

Set in the same future as James S. A. Corey’s other novels, Caliban’s War follows a critically important military conflict between humanity and the extra-solar beings inhabiting Venus.

How long is Caliban’s War?

Caliban’s War is over 500 pages long, making it one of the longest of the Expanse novels.

What is Caliban’s War about?

Caliban’s War follows the story of Jim Holden, an officer in the Martian Navy. After a disastrous mission to Venus, Holden and his crew are drawn into a conflict between the Earth, Mars, and their respective allies.

Is Caliban’s War book worth reading?

Caliban’s War is an action-packed and thrilling read, full of suspense and intrigue.

What are the main themes of Caliban’s War book?

The novel explores themes of loyalty, power and corruption, war, peace, and politics.

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