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Common Sense on Mutual Funds

Common Sense on Mutual Funds PDF Free Download

Common Sense on Mutual Funds: New Imperatives for the Intelligent Investor PDF is a book written by John C. Bogle and published in 1999 by Wiley & Sons. The book provides an overview of mutual funds, outlining the risks and rewards associated with investing in them.

It examines various aspects of fund management, including portfolio construction, fees and taxes, and the difficulties of actively managing funds. It also provides a historical perspective on the development of mutual funds and how they have grown in popularity over time.

The book received positive reviews from critics, many of whom praised its comprehensive approach to discussing mutual funds. It has sold over 1 million copies and is currently available in both print and digital formats.

Common Sense on Mutual Funds Summary

The book starts off with a brief introduction to John C. Bogle, the founder of The Vanguard Group, and explains the importance of the company’s mission and why he created it.

The main focus of Common Sense on Mutual Funds is to provide clarity in investing terminology, so that an investor can make educated decisions when investing in mutual funds. Bogle defines a mutual fund as a “pool of stocks and/or bonds, managed by professionals for the benefit of its shareholders.” He explores different types of funds such as aggressive growth, balanced funds, index funds, and international investments.

Bogle explains that investors should be aware of management fees which can significantly reduce returns on investments. He also warns about the dangers of high costs and trading strategies that are used to try and beat the market. He emphasizes the importance of diversifying investments within and across different asset classes, as well as the need to rebalance portfolios.

Details of Common Sense on Mutual Funds Book

BookCommon Sense on Mutual Funds
AuthorJohn C. Bogle
Original languageEnglish
Originally published1999
CategorySelf Help
PublisherWiley & Sons
Total Pages216
FormatPDF, ePub

Multiple Languages Editions of Common Sense on Mutual Funds Book

Common Sense on Mutual Funds book has been translated into multiple languages over the years. The book is available in German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, and Japanese editions.

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About the Author

John C. Bogle, the author of Common Sense on Mutual Funds, is a well-known figure in investing circles. He is the founder and former CEO of The Vanguard Group and is recognized as one of the leading voices on mutual fund investing.

Common Sense on Mutual Funds

Bogle began his career in 1948 when he graduated from Princeton University with a degree in economics. After graduating, he joined Wellington Fund, where he was pushed to develop the first index fund. After leaving Wellington Fund in 1974, Bogle founded The Vanguard Group and launched the FIRST index fund for individual investors.

Throughout his career, Bogle has been an advocate of low-cost investing and “buy & hold” investing strategies. He is also the founder of the Bogle Financial Markets Research Center, a research center dedicated to the study of financial markets.

Bogle is also a best-selling author and has published numerous books on investing, including Common Sense on Mutual Funds in 1999. The book provides investors with clear strategies for successful mutual fund investing and has become one of the most popular guides to mutual fund investing.

Common Sense on Mutual Funds PDF Free Download

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FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the main theme of Common Sense on Mutual Funds?

The main theme of Common Sense on Mutual Funds is the importance of taking a long-term, disciplined approach to investing.

What is the book Common Sense on Mutual Funds about?

Common Sense on Mutual Funds is about how individual investors can create a successful portfolio by following certain principles, such as diversification, cost-effectiveness, and consistency.

How many pages does the Common Sense on Mutual Funds book have?

The Common Sense on Mutual Funds book has 232 pages.

What age range is Common Sense on Mutual Funds suitable for?

Common Sense on Mutual Funds is suitable for all ages, as it provides helpful and easy-to-understand advice on investing that is applicable to all investors.

How long does it take to read Common Sense on Mutual Funds book?

On average, it takes about 4-5 hours to read Common Sense on Mutual Funds.

What is the setting of Common Sense on Mutual Funds?

The setting of Common Sense on Mutual Funds is in the world of investing.

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