Reading to Live a Thousand Lives
Looking for Alibrandi

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Looking for Alibrandi PDF is a critically acclaimed young adult novel written by Australian author Melina Marchetta. It was first published in 1992 by Penguin Books Australia and later in the United States in 1994 by Orchard Books. The novel has won multiple literary awards including the Children’s Book Council of Australia Book of the Year Award in 1993 and the NSW Premier’s Literary Award for Best Young Adult Novel in 1993.

The novel follows the story of Josie Alibrandi, a seventeen-year-old girl of Italian descent living in Sydney, Australia. Josie is struggling to come to terms with her identity and her place in the world, torn between her Italian heritage and her Australian upbringing. Along the way, she discovers family secrets, falls in love for the first time, and learns the true meaning of friendship.

One of the central themes of the novel is the concept of identity and how it is shaped by both family and society. Through Josie’s experiences, Marchetta explores the tension between heritage and modernity, tradition and change, and the struggles of immigrant families to find a sense of belonging in a new country. Another key theme is the power of female friendship and the importance of supporting one another in times of need.

The book is available in various formats including paperback, hardcover, ebook, and audiobook. It is widely available in bookstores and online retailers such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Looking for Alibrandi is a must-read for anyone interested in coming-of-age stories, immigrant experiences, and the complexities of identity.

Looking for Alibrandi Summary

It is a story about a girl named Josephine Alibrandi who lives in Australia. She is of Italian descent and is seventeen years old. The story starts with her attending her last year of high school. Josie is a smart and strong-willed girl, but she often feels out of place because of her mixed heritage.

Throughout the story, Josie is trying to figure out who she is and where she belongs. She struggles with her identity as an Italian-Australian and feels like she doesn’t fit in with either culture. Her father is not present in her life, and she lives with her mother and grandmother. Josie is also dealing with the pressure of her family’s expectations and trying to balance her school work with her social life.

As the story progresses, Josie begins to learn more about her family’s past and secrets that have been kept from her. She also falls in love with a boy named Jacob Coote, who is from a different background than she is. Josie’s relationships with her mother and grandmother also become more complicated as she learns more about their past.

In the end, Josie is able to reconcile her heritage and her Australian identity. She also discovers the importance of friendship and support from her friends and family. Josie graduates from high school and is ready to start a new chapter in her life, knowing more about who she is and where she comes from.

Details of Looking for Alibrandi Book

BookLooking for Alibrandi
AuthorMelina Marchetta
Original languageEnglish
Originally publishedOctober 5, 1992
CategoryYoung adult fiction
PublisherPenguin Australia/Orchard Books
Total Pages260
FormatPDF, ePub

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Multiple Languages Editions of Looking for Alibrandi Book

Looking for Alibrandi is widely available in English and has been translated into several languages, including Italian, French, German, and Spanish. The availability of translated editions may vary depending on the region and publisher.

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About the Author

Melina Marchetta is an Australian author and teacher, born on March 25th, 1965, in Sydney, Australia. She is best known for her young adult novels, including Looking for Alibrandi, Saving Francesca, and On the Jellicoe Road. She has won multiple literary awards for her work, including the prestigious Michael L. Printz Award for Excellence in Young Adult Literature in 2009.

Looking for Alibrandi

Marchetta started her career as a teacher, but her love for writing led her to pursue a career as an author. Her debut novel, Looking for Alibrandi, was published in 1992 and became an instant classic. The book was later adapted into a film and a stage play. Marchetta’s other novels have also received critical acclaim and have been translated into several languages.

In addition to her work as an author, Marchetta has also worked as a screenwriter for film and television. She has been involved in the production of various Australian television shows, including Dance Academy and The Saddle Club.

Marchetta is known for her engaging and relatable characters, her exploration of complex themes such as identity, family, and friendship, and her ability to capture the essence of Australian life. Her writing has been praised for its authenticity, sensitivity, and emotional depth. Marchetta continues to write and teach, inspiring a new generation of Australian writers and readers.

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FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)

What is Looking for Alibrandi book about?

“Looking for Alibrandi” is a coming-of-age novel that explores the life of Josephine Alibrandi, a seventeen-year-old girl of Italian-Australian heritage. The book delves into her struggles with identity, family, love, and cultural expectations.

Why is Looking for Alibrandi a good book?

“Looking for Alibrandi” is considered a good book for its authentic portrayal of teenage experiences, relatable characters, and its exploration of themes such as identity, belonging, and self-discovery.

Is Looking for Alibrandi a classic?

While “Looking for Alibrandi” has gained popularity and critical acclaim since its publication in 1992, it is not widely regarded as a classic in the traditional sense. However, it is highly regarded within the realm of young adult literature.

How many pages is Looking for Alibrandi?

The number of pages in “Looking for Alibrandi” may vary depending on the edition, but it typically ranges from around 200 to 300 pages.

What is the main theme in Looking for Alibrandi?

The main theme in “Looking for Alibrandi” revolves around the search for identity and belonging, exploring issues of cultural heritage, family expectations, and the pursuit of independence.

What age is the book Looking for Alibrandi appropriate for?

“Looking for Alibrandi” is generally appropriate for young adult readers, typically recommended for ages 14 and above. The book deals with mature themes and touches on topics such as teenage relationships, family dynamics, and personal growth.

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