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Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts

Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts PDF Free Download

Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts PDF is a book written by Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott. It is a premarital counseling guide that aims to help couples lay a strong foundation for their marriage before they tie the knot. The book covers a variety of topics, including communication, conflict resolution, finances, and intimacy.

The book generally receives positive reviews, with many praising its practicality and insightfulness. Readers have commented that the book offers valuable advice for both engaged and newlywed couples and that the exercises and tools provided are helpful in addressing common issues that arise in marriage.

The themes of the book are centered around helping couples prepare for marriage by addressing important issues and building the skills necessary for a successful relationship. It provides practical advice and exercises for couples to work together to build a strong foundation for their marriage.

Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts Summary

The book is divided into seven sections, each of which focuses on a specific aspect of marriage. In the first section, the authors discuss the importance of self-awareness and the role it plays in building a healthy relationship. The second section covers communication, including how to effectively express feelings, listen actively, and resolve conflicts. The third section addresses the issue of finances and how to manage money as a couple.

The fourth section deals with intimacy, including physical, emotional, and spiritual intimacy. The fifth section covers the topic of family and friends, including how to balance relationships with in-laws and how to navigate the transition from single life to married life. The sixth section addresses the topic of personal growth, including how to continue to grow and develop as an individual within the context of marriage.

The seventh section, the authors provide practical tools and exercises that couples can use to apply what they have learned throughout the book.

Details of Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts Book

BookSaving Your Marriage Before It Starts
AuthorLes Parrott and Leslie Parrott
Original languageEnglish
Originally publishedMay 2, 1995
CategoryFamily & Relationships
PublisherZondervan Publishing House
Total Pages158
FormatPDF, ePub

Multiple Languages Editions of Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts Book

“Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts” is available in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Korean languages. It is also available as an audiobook and an e-book.

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About the Author

Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott are the authors of “Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts.” They are both licensed psychologists and marriage and family therapists. Dr. Les Parrott is a New York Times best-selling author and a professor of psychology at Seattle Pacific University.

Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts

Dr. Leslie Parrott is a speaker and an author, and together they founded the Center for Relationship Development at Seattle Pacific University. They have written several books on relationships and marriage, and have been featured in various media outlets such as CNN, The Today Show, and Focus on the Family.

They are also the creators of the SYMBIS (Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts) assessment which is an online premarital assessment tool designed to identify key areas of strength and growth for couples before they get married.

Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts PDF Free Download

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FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the book Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts about?

It is a premarital counseling guide that aims to help couples lay a strong foundation for their marriage before they tie the knot.

How many pages is Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts?

The book is about 256 pages long.

What is the purpose of the Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts book?

The purpose of the book is to help couples prepare for marriage by addressing important issues and building the skills necessary for a successful relationship.

How long does it take to read Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts book?

It would take an average reader about 8-10 hours to read the book cover to cover.

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