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The Lesser Key of Solomon

The Lesser Key of Solomon PDF Free Download

The Lesser Key of Solomon PDF, also known as Clavicula Salomonis Regis or Lemegeton, is a 17th-century grimoire attributed to King Solomon. It is not clear who the actual author of the text is, and it is likely that it is a compilation of texts from multiple sources. The book contains detailed instructions for summoning and controlling spirits, as well as information on the seals and sigils of the 72 spirits that Solomon is said to have commanded.

The themes in the book are heavily influenced by Christian and Jewish demonology, with references to God, angels, and demons throughout the text. It is considered a practical guide for the conjuration of spirits and the use of talismans and incantations, and it was widely used in ceremonial magic and ceremonial occult practices. The Lesser Key of Solomon is not considered a reliable source of historical or religious information and is not recommended for study without proper guidance and knowledge.

The book is available in many formats, including a printed book, an ebook, and an audiobook. Reviews of the book vary widely, with some praising its historical and cultural significance, while others criticize its content as being dangerous or misleading.

The Lesser Key of Solomon Summary

The first book, Goetia, is the most well-known and contains the instructions for summoning and controlling 72 spirits that Solomon is said to have commanded. The spirits are divided into classes, with the first class being the most powerful and the last class being the least powerful. Each spirit is described in detail, including its appearance, powers, and the method for summoning it. The book also includes information on the use of talismans and incantations to control the spirits once they have been summoned.

The second book, Theurgia-Goetia, deals with the spirits of the elements and the planets. It describes the nature and powers of these spirits and provides instructions for summoning them. The third book, Pauline Arts, deals with the spirits of the dead and includes instructions for communicating with and controlling the spirits of the deceased.

The fourth book, Alibeck, deals with the spirits of the zodiac. It describes the nature and powers of these spirits and provides instructions for summoning them. The fifth book, Ars Notoria, deals with the spirits of the hours of the day and night, and it provides instructions for communicating with and controlling these spirits.

Details of The Lesser Key of Solomon Book

BookThe Lesser Key of Solomon
AuthorJoseph H. Peterson
Original languageEnglish
Originally publishedMay 2001
CategorySelf Help
PublisherWeiser Books
Total Pages304
FormatPDF, ePub

Multiple Languages Editions of The Lesser Key of Solomon Book

The Lesser Key of Solomon is available in many languages, including English, German, French, Spanish, and Italian. It can be found in various formats like printed books, e-books, and audiobooks.

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About the Author

Aleister Crowley (born Edward Alexander Crowley; 12 October 1875 – 1 December 1947) was an English occultist, ceremonial magician, poet, and mountaineer, who was responsible for founding the religious philosophy of Thelema. He is best known as the author of “The Book of the Law” and as the founder of the Thelemite philosophy which became popular in the early 20th century. Crowley was also known for his interest in various forms of spiritual and occult practices, including ceremonial magic, alchemy, and astrology.

The Lesser Key of Solomon

Crowley’s influence on Western occultism has been substantial and continues to be felt to this day. He was a member of several secret societies, including the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO). He wrote extensively on the topics of ceremonial magic, alchemy, and astrology, and his works are considered important texts in the fields of ceremonial magic and Thelema.

Crowley’s writing style is often described as complex, obscure and controversial. His works include poetry, fiction, and non-fiction on a wide variety of subjects, including mysticism, magick, and sexuality. He has been criticized for his views on sex and drugs, and his personal life was often shrouded in scandal. Despite this, his influence on the development of Western occultism and esotericism has been significant and his ideas and practices continue to be studied and followed by many today.

The Lesser Key of Solomon PDF Free Download

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FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)

What is The Lesser Key of Solomon book about?

The Lesser Key of Solomon is a 17th-century grimoire attributed to King Solomon, it contains detailed instructions for summoning and controlling spirits.

How many pages are in The Lesser Key of Solomon?

The number of pages in The Lesser Key of Solomon may vary depending on the edition and publisher.

How many copies has The Lesser Key of Solomon sold?

The number of copies sold of The Lesser Key of Solomon is not publicly available.

How long does it take to read The Lesser Key of Solomon pdf?

The time it takes to read The Lesser Key of Solomon book may vary depending on the reader’s speed and familiarity with the subject matter.

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