Reading to Live a Thousand Lives
Across the River and into the Trees

Across the River and into the Trees PDF Free Download

Across the River and into the Trees PDF is a novel written by Ernest Hemingway, which was first published in 1950 by Charles Scribner’s Sons. The novel is set in Venice, Italy, and tells the story of an American army colonel, Richard Cantwell, who is on a hunting trip and falls in love with a young Italian countess named Renata.

The novel received mixed reviews upon its release, with some critics praising Hemingway’s descriptive prose and portrayal of the main characters, while others criticized the lack of plot and slow pace of the narrative. Despite the mixed reviews, the novel was a commercial success and became a bestseller.

One of the main themes of the novel is the exploration of the complex relationships between men and women, as well as the impact of war and mortality on these relationships. Hemingway’s writing also touches on themes such as aging, the beauty of nature, and the value of human connection. Across the River and into the Trees is available in various formats, including hardcover, paperback, and e-book.

About the Author

Ernest Hemingway was an American novelist, short-story writer, and journalist, born on July 21, 1899, in Oak Park, Illinois, USA. He is considered one of the most influential and celebrated writers of the 20th century, known for his minimalist prose style and his depictions of war, masculinity, and the human condition.

Across the River and into the Trees

Hemingway began his writing career as a journalist for the Kansas City Star and later worked as a correspondent during World War I and the Spanish Civil War. He published his first novel, The Sun Also Rises, in 1926, which was well-received by critics and marked the beginning of his literary success.

Throughout his career, Hemingway published several other iconic works, including A Farewell to Arms, For Whom the Bell Tolls, and The Old Man and the Sea, which won the Pulitzer Prize in 1953. He was also a prolific short-story writer, and his collections of stories, such as In Our Time and Men Without Women, are widely regarded as masterpieces of the form.

Hemingway lived an adventurous life, traveling extensively and participating in activities such as hunting, fishing, and bullfighting, which often found their way into his writing. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954 for his “powerful and style-making mastery of the art of modern narration.”

Details of Across the River and into the Trees Book

BookAcross the River and into the Trees
AuthorErnest Hemingway
Original languageEnglish
Originally published1950
CategoryFiction, Romance novel
PublisherCharles Scribner's Sons
Total Pages320
FormatPDF, ePub

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Multiple Languages Editions of Across the River and into the Trees Book

Across the River and into the Trees has been translated into several languages, including French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Japanese, among others. It is widely available in these languages in both physical and digital formats.

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Across the River and into the Trees Summary

It is a novel written by Ernest Hemingway that tells the story of an American army colonel named Richard Cantwell. The story takes place in Venice, Italy, and follows Cantwell on a hunting trip that he takes with his young Italian friend, Renata.

Throughout the novel, Hemingway explores the relationship between Cantwell and Renata, who are romantically involved. Despite their strong feelings for each other, Cantwell struggles with his age and his impending mortality, which make it difficult for him to fully embrace his love for Renata.

As the story progresses, Cantwell and Renata spend time together exploring Venice and the surrounding countryside. Along the way, they encounter various other characters who add depth and complexity to the story, including a priest who struggles with his own faith and a young Italian boy who admires Cantwell and Renata.

Despite the beauty and tranquility of their surroundings, Cantwell’s mortality continues to weigh heavily on him, and he begins to question the meaning of his life and the value of his relationship with Renata.

Similar Books to Across the River and into the Trees Book

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  • The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
  • The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
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FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the book Across the River and into the Trees about?

Across the River and into the Trees is a novel about an American army colonel who falls in love with a young Italian countess during a hunting trip in Venice.

What is the reading level of Across the River and into the Trees?

The reading level of Across the River and into the Trees is generally considered to be adult.

What is the theme of Across the River and into the Trees?

The main themes of Across the River and into the Trees are the complexities of human relationships, the impact of war, mortality, and the value of human connection.

How long does it take to read Across the River and into the Trees book?

The time it takes to read Across the River and into the Trees varies depending on the reader’s speed and the edition of the book, but it generally takes around 6-8 hours to read.

Who is the target audience of Across the River and into the Trees book?

The target audience of Across the River and into the Trees is generally adult readers who enjoy literary fiction, particularly those interested in Hemingway’s works.

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