Reading to Live a Thousand Lives
The Hate U Give

The Hate U Give PDF Free Download

The Hate U Give PDF by Angie Thomas was published on February 28th, 2017 by HarperCollins. As of March 1st, 2017, the book has sold over 100,000 copies and is available in both hardcover and ebook formats. The Hate U Give has received critical acclaim, with reviewers praising its handling of difficult subjects and its representation of black culture.

This pdf book tells the story of sixteen-year-old Starr Carter, who witnesses the shooting of her unarmed friend Khalil at the hands of a police officer. As Khalil’s death sparks nationwide protests and violence, Starr must grapple with her own grief while also navigating the dangerous aftermath of his death.

The Hate U Give has been praised for its honest portrayal of the Black Lives Matter movement and for its insights into the experiences of black people in America. The book has also been praised for its representation of black culture, with many reviewers stating that it is an essential read for anyone seeking to understand the Black experience in America.

The Hate U Give Summary

Starr Carter is a 16-year-old girl who lives in two worlds: the poor, black neighborhood where she was born and raised, and the wealthy, mostly white prep school that she attends.

When Starr witnesses the shooting of her unarmed friend Khalil at the hands of a police officer, she must find her voice and decide what to do with her pain and anger.

The Hate U Give is a powerful and timely debut novel about the Black Lives Matter movement, police violence, and race in America. Thomas expertly weaves together multiple perspectives and points of view to create a complex and nuanced portrait of the aftermath of police shootings.

The result is a compelling and necessary book that will leave readers thinking long after they’ve finished it.

Details of The Hate U Give Book

BookThe Hate U Give
AuthorAngie Thomas
Original languageEnglish
Originally publishedFebruary 28, 2017
CategoryYoung Adult, Urban Fiction
Total Pages444
FormatPDF, ePub
Current Ratings4.8

Multiple Languages Editions of The Hate U Give Book

The Hate U Give has been translated into multiple languages and is now available in over 20 countries. The book has been particularly popular in the United Kingdom, where it has topped the bestseller lists for both young adult and adult fiction.

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About the Author

Angie Thomas was born and raised in Jackson, Mississippi. She is a former hip-hop journalist and has been writing stories since she was a child.

The Hate U Give

Her debut novel, The Hate U Give, was inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement and her own experiences growing up in a poor, black neighborhood.

Thomas has said that she wants her books to be a “mirror” for black kids who don’t often see themselves reflected in the media. She also hopes to show white readers what it’s like to be black in America.

Thomas is a graduate of Belhaven University and the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. She currently lives in Colorado with her husband and two dogs. The Hate U Give is her first novel.

The Hate U Give PDF Free Download

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Why did they ban The Hate U Give book?

The Hate U Give was banned in some schools and libraries because of its graphic portrayal of violence and its use of profanity.

Is The Hate U Give book real?

No, The Hate U Give is a work of fiction. However, the book is based on real events and issues.

What grade level is The Hate U Give?

The Hate U Give is recommended for grades 9 and up.

Is The Hate U Give appropriate for 12-year-olds?

The Hate U Give is generally appropriate for 12-year-olds and up.

Can you watch The Hate U Give on Netflix?

No, The Hate U Give is not currently available on Netflix.

Is The Hate U Give worth reading?

Yes, The Hate U Give is definitely worth reading. It’s an important and timely book that offers insight into the Black Lives Matter movement and police violence in America.

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